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Balloon Boy: The Whole Story (He’s a Fake!)

October 16, 2009

I find this news really interesting so I thought I might as well share it with you guys, even though it has nothing to do with any my otaku life. (^_^)

On Oct 15, 2009 every American was caring the safety of  a boy who is stuck in a homemade helium balloon, after it gets loose from its restraints and flies as high as possibly 10,000 feet.

While the balloon finally landed everyone found out that there was no 6 years old little boy in it.  At first they thought the boy might have fallen off the balloon, but the truth is…

The boy was hiding in the attic of his house all alone!

But there is another shocking truth.  This whole event was actually just an publicity act, and on the video below you can see how the little boy, name Falcon, accidentally admitted it.

Here’s what he said.

Father: “Did you hear us call your name at anytime?” father

Momther: ” U did”? Why didn’t u come out?

Falcon: “You said we did this for the show”.

Psh, stupid kid, if your parents are lying you shouldn’t tell the truth on national TV!

So what do you guys think about this stupid act?

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  1. October 16, 2009 10:56 pm

    There’s no way that flimsy helium balloon would carry a kid of any size

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